Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jesus' Questions

Children's Pastor Darlene Thulson

I was struck, again, today by Jesus’ questions and what his purposes are when he raises them.  In John 6 Jesus asks Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”  It’s the next statement that’s telling: 

“He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.”

How many times do I fail the test and think Jesus is asking me to come up with the solution for a problem on my own?  …when all along he just wants me to realize he is the only one who can solve this and bring peace.  My worried prayers (praying to the problem and not to the Problem Solver) can be as ridiculous as my anxiety and worry during last Sunday’s playoff game.   

My fretting did nothing to help the Broncos win.  My fretting will do nothing to bring peace to a friend or family member.  But I do believe my faithful interceding in the Spirit’s power can make a difference. 

So once again, I need to acknowledge the Provider of Living Water and Bread and offer myself into his plan for this broken world.  Remind me of David’s inspired words, Lord: 

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
…do not fret – it leads only to evil.”  Psalm 37:7-8

Friday, January 10, 2014

Short and Sweet, Hopefully Thought Provoking

Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
Karl Helvig

I have been doing a lot of running lately.  Turns out that I love running.

Here is what I have noticed.  Because I run so much, I am really in tune with my physical energy level.
I almost always know when I have 

lots of energy

I almost always know when I have

almost no energy.

Somethings give energy, some drain it, certain people and activities and events fill me up with others wear me out.  I find myself in tune with the full spectrum of my physical self.  High, middle, low: all of it.

There is, however, a contrast that is particularly striking.

I seem to have almost no awareness of my emotional energy level.

I know when I am emotionally full (energized, strong, healthy) and I know when I am emotionally depleted. 

But it is hard discerning that huge middle ground of emotional health.

Am I getting filled? Am I approaching depletion?  When do I need to stop and say, "I must take some time for rest and refreshment"?

What about you?  Are you the same?  Different?

How well are you in tune with your emotional energy level?  Or your spiritual energy level? What fills and depletes you?  What are your signals and triggers?

I pray that we might be come people who are more and more in tune with our own hearts and lives. 

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Prayer for the New Year

Senior Pastor Steve Thulson

We thank you, Father,
…that our stories are not over,
and that you are not done;
…that you have an abundance of gifts,
and plenty of time to give them all;
…that you waste nothing,
can redeem anything,
and will fulfill everything.

May your kingdom come and will be done
on earth – and in our lives – even as in heaven.

In the name and presence of your reigning Son,   