Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Learning to Come

Yesterday afternoon, I actually had some alone time to work on uploading pictures to my Shutterfly account so I could work on a memory book.  As it takes some time for photos to be moved, I had the brilliant idea of working on a watercolor painting I’d started last spring, but never finished.  So here I was moving from the computer on the deck, enjoying a warm afternoon before the storm hit, to go downstairs to where I paint.  Back and forth, back and forth.  And then it hit me.  Why am I making such a project of something that should bring joy and rest?

I took time with the photos, then thanked God for great times with my husband and extended family and the way we saw God at work in us.  After taking time to choose and upload the best photos (quite a project with a son, son-in-law and other extended family members who are great photographers!), I let it be for a while.  

Then I spent time finishing a painting from an anniversary trip.  As I took time to work on it, God brought to my quieted mind memories, not only of a great time with Steve, but also reminding me that it was on that trip that we got a phone call from my Mom that my Dad’s health was failing.  The beauty of the sunset I was painting was a reminder of God’s faithfulness and presence with us in the really good times and also the really challenging and difficult times.  

Isn’t that our life stories? Wonderful and hard, precious and desperate, quiet and crazy?  Yet in all of it comes Jesus’ voice:  “Come to me; come to me.”  As we spend time this fall as a church family considering the focus of “Running at the Pace of Grace,” let’s ask hard questions of ourselves: 

- Where do we needlessly impose stress on our lives?  
- Where can we take the necessary tasks before us and bring them to the Father as prayers?  

- How do we take Jesus’ statement seriously, “Learn from Me?

Thankfully Jesus does not expect us to do this alone.  His fulfilled promise to send a Comforter and Guide in the person of the Holy Spirit enables us to keep on learning and growing in Him.

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