More About Us


We are a growing congregation of friendly people seeking to be Christ-centered and people-caring. Together we take seriously...

- The Bible as God's powerful and relevant truth
- Jesus Christ as the way to hope and life
- Building up people (not just programs and properties) as the heart of mission
- And a freedom not to take ourselves too seriously, but to laugh, be honest, and "agree to disagree" on non-essential matters in a spirit of humility and love

We take to heart what Jesus said: "I have called you friends" (John 15:10). Knowing the gift of a relationship with God and then letting Him build relationships with each other is finally what matters most in life.


Centennial Covenant Church started in the early 1980s as a small Bible study guided and supported by our parent body, the Evangelical Covenant Church. Public worship gatherings, led by Donn Engebretson, began in 1984 at a small branch bank lobby in Littleton, and then for short times at three other locations. The early years were difficult with several core families being transferred out of state because of Colorado's struggling economy. However, the core of thirty adults persisted in their conviction that God wanted them to serve the community. When Pastor Steve Thulson arrived in 1987, the church felt led to lease space on the lower level, back side of a small shopping center on University Blvd. There the congregation grew in numbers and visitors and then, in 1997, moved into its own more permanent home at 401 W Mineral Ave.

We are part of the Evangelical Covenant Church.
More extensive information about our affirmations can be found here.