Friday, May 31, 2013

How to Avoid God?

Senior Pastor, Steve Thulson

Writing 50 or so years ago, British author C.S. Lewis wrote an essay called "The Seeing Eye" -- a response to atheist Soviet Cosmonauts who said they had not seen God in space. He compared that to assuming you might meet William Shakespeare by reading Hamlet. 

Lewis also talked about "avoiding God."  It's "extremely easy," he's said"Avoid silence, avoid solitude, avoid any train of thought that leads off the beaten track. Concentrate on money, sex, status, health and (above all) on your own grievances. Keep the radio on. Live in a crowd. Use plenty of sedation. If you must read books, select them very careful. But you’d be safer to stick to the papers."

It's even easier in our time, isn't it? We're bombarded with information, voices, media, and noise that flood their way into any potential silence and solitude. 

Yet God himself does not get crowded out. He's more than "there." And he's ready to welcome our open hearts to fill them with his grace and truth. 

This summer, why not stop avoiding God and step into his loving search for you? Go on some walks with him. Let what you see reflect his glory. Let what's on your mind be channeled into a conversation. Open a Bible and listen. Get with a friend and ask about any God-sightings. 

"My times are in your hands" (Psalm 31:15). What about this time for you?

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