Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Healthy, Missional

Maybe you’ve stumbled on this phrase in conversation, read it in a book, heard it in a sermon, or seen it printed in a church bulletin.  We, as a gathering of Christ followers, desire to be healthy and missional as we seek to glorify God by “following Jesus on a shared journey of transformation in his mission to our broken world” (hint: that’s our church mission statement for those who haven’t come across it before :).

What does that mean?  What does it mean to be healthy and missional as Christ followers?

That’s a great question, let’s explore.

Healthy: we don’t want to be unhealthy. We are not seeking brokenness, infighting, distrust, and discord.  Rather, things like balance, rhythm, engagement and rest, confession, grace and truth, and compassion all come to mind.  All communities, whether churches, clubs, schools or companies, have the potential to form harmful or healthy patterns and characteristics.  We at Centennial Covenant seek to be mindful of our health as individuals and as a community in all areas of life.  We want to be healthy.

Missional: God has been at work in this world from his time of creation and he is still active today.  He has a purpose, a vision, a direction for all things.  He is on a mission.  As Christ followers, we want our lives to be about His mission.  We want to be people who join in the work that God is already doing.  We want to be missional.

So, how do we measure that?  How do we know if that is where we are and where we are headed?

It’s not an exact science, but the denomination we belong to, the Evangelical Covenant Church, has spent some time thinking about this question and they have come up with a great list.  This list is not a perfect measure, but it is an excellent point of reference as we ask ourselves and we ask one another, are we healthy and missional in our lives of discipleship.

Here is the list: 10 Healthy Missional Markers
(you can find the full version online here)

1) Centrality of the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16)

2) Life transforming walk with Jesus (John 3:3,30; Phil. 1:6)

3) Intentional evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20)

4)Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice (Micah 6:8)

5) Global perspective and engagement (Acts 1:8)

6) Compelling Christian community (Acts 2:42-47)

7) Heartfelt worship (Psalm 138:1a; John 4:23)

8) Sacrificial and generous living and giving (Romans 12:1-8)

9) Culture of godly leadership (Hebrews 13:7)

10) Fruitful organizational structures (Exodus 18:13-26, Acts 6:1-7)
(Again, the full version can be found here)

I invite you to wander through these 10 markers over time, read the passages, and examine whether God is drawing you to a growing edge in any of these areas.  Then share with a friend or your family.  Tell somebody what God is telling you.

Looking forward to continuing with you on this shared journey.

Grace and Peace,

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